State and Enterprise. Legal Issues in the Global Market. New book coedited by Prof. avv. Federico Pernazza

Prof. avv. Federico Pernazza is editor (with prof. Maria Rosaria Mauro) of the book «  State and Enterprise. Legal Issues in the Global Market », being published by Springer and Giappichelli

This book addresses the regulation of the State/Enterprise relationship in the frame- work of international economic context. It analyzes this relationship from the discrete perspectives of conflict, cooperation, and integration in contributions by authors rep- resenting a diverse range of legal cultures and political backgrounds.

The topic is investigated following three approaches:

• State versus Enterprise (the State which bans, restricts, or regulates the activities of Enterprises, both domestic and foreign);

• Enterprise versus State (the Enterprises, main actors of commercial, industrial or financial initiatives, which may directly or indirectly affect the legal and economic structure of the State);

• State as Enterprise and Enterprise as State (public Enterprises under political con- trol that pursue geopolitical goals, and Enterprises that rely on the political, finan- cial, and strategic support of the State for their business expansion).

Furthermore, the volume includes a special focus on the relationship State/Enterprise in non-capitalist economies (China, Russia, and Cuba).